Common Web Hosting Problems and Their Solutions

Web Hosting Problems You May Encounter

Whether you are in a technical or creative space, an online presence has become a necessity in order to gain business. This creates an increasing reliance on a webpage running smoothly. It not only helps you gain more audience, it also helps you rank better on Google and eventually helps your business grow. 

Thus, knowing about all the common problems with web hosting in India and how to solve them can make a lot of difference. Read more so you can make an informed decision while choosing hosting plans.

Common Web Hosting Problems With Their Solutions

  • Downtime and Server Errors 

Downtime or server errors can seem frustrating and result in revenue loss. However common this issue may be, it affects businesses significantly, and thus, it is important to learn how to solve this to avoid incurring losses. 

  • Solution: 

The easiest way to avoid this problem is to partner with the best web hosting company that provides a high amount of uptime. Also, ensure that they have a support team in place that can monitor server uptimes and actively look into server issues. 

Additionally, to minimise the downtime further, the service provider should also provide a backup server or have a plan in place for similar situations. 

  • Slow Loading 

Slow loading of websites can be a result of multiple factors like heavy images or files, inadequate resources, or outdated website software. Whatever the reason, slow loading of websites can also make your potential clients bounce off of your website, ruining your Google ranking. 

  • Solution:

If you come across such a situation, contact your web hosting support team, who can troubleshoot such web hosting issues. They may suggest optimising file sizes, implementing caching mechanisms, or even upgrading your web hosting plan.

  • Poor Website Security 

In order to get more clients in a short period of time, some web hosting providers falsely claim to offer good-grade security. This can result in your website being exposed to hackers and cyber thefts. 

  • Solution:

Only a reliable provider can offer you an authentic security solution and a team that supports you to maintain it. The team may offer assistance with installing firewalls, SSL certificate installation, early malware detection, etc. 

  • Cost of Web Hosting Services 

The price range of these services varies greatly depending on their offerings. Some offer hosting for free, while others charge a hefty price. The free deals can tempt you to accept the offer, whereas the excessively costly deals may result in over-promised false claims. 

  • Solution: 

To not fall into the trap of a cheap deal, ensure that you are fully aware of the services they provide. Check for what these companies want in return like advertisement spaces, and also ensure that they are providing enough bandwidth and an option to upgrade the hosting plan. 


Web hosting services can help you take your business to the next level. However, all websites often come across some common web hosting problems, which need to be addressed to ensure the smooth running of your business. These problems can be dealt with ease with the right support of your service provider and will ease your path towards your business goals.

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Maximizing the benefits of a ccTLD


Exploring the Benefits of ccTLD Domain Names -

It is usual practice to refer to these domains as Country Code Top Level Domains, or ccTLDs for short. For example, the domain.UK represents the United Kingdom, and the domain.IT represents Italy. Your website’s traffic may be localised with their assistance, and your search engine rankings can be improved as a consequence. However, if you choose this course of action, there are a number of concerns that you will need to take into consideration. 

It is necessary for search engines to have an understanding of both your website and your company in order for them to provide more organic search traffic to your website. You will be rewarded by the search engines if you provide them with all of the information and signs that indicate that your website is located in a certain country. 

Let’s take a look at the ways in which you may assist search engines and optimise the traffic that your website receives by utilising ccTLDs. 

A Different Kind of Domain Name 

Initially, you will need to make a decision on the principal domain name that you will ultimately use. 

For instance, it could be a good idea to register both the.CO.UK and.UK domain names for your organisation and then use a 301 Permanent Redirect to redirect one of the domain names to the other. There are more domains, such as.COM, that you might wish to register in order to safeguard your brand and the name of your firm. Utilising a.COM domain for your primary website is something you should consider doing if you plan on expanding your business or offering your goods or services in the United States or other countries. There is still the possibility of using the nation-specific ccTLD domain names in each country; however, it is more convenient to possess the domain name now rather than to attempt to obtain it in the future. 

Choose one domain name, commit to using it, and redirect the other(s) to your primary domain name. This is the best course of action given the circumstances. 

No one at Google is aware of your location 

When you choose a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for your website, the domain name alone is not sufficient for search engines to determine that your website and business are situated in a certain nation. 

On account of the fact that the abbreviation is a shorthand for anything else, some ccTLDs are utilised. One example would be some. When it comes to information technology domain names that are sold in the United States, the owners of the domain name frequently utilise them merely because they believed it was creative to put “it” at the end of the domain name. They probably did not intend to sell the website in Italy, which is the nation that is allocated the country code top-level domain (ccTLD). 

However, if you are a company that is utilising a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) in the manner in which it was created, you will be required to let search engines know that you are conducting business in the nation that is referenced in your domain. 

Discover Which Hosting Provider Is Best for You 

When it comes to hosting your website, the best option is often to do it within your own nation. It is important to note that search engines are aware of IP addresses; hosting your website on an IP address that is situated in your home country communicates to search engines that you are in fact located in that nation. 

Your website should be optimised for both your country and your language. 

It is possible to inform search engines that your website is, in fact, located in a specific nation or place by doing a number of different things, including the following: 

For each web page, the language should be specified 

You may set the language that appears at the top of each web page by using the lang property. Just one example: 

> <html lang=”fr”> 

Your web pages should have the relevant hreflang tag added to them 

It is a method of informing search engines that a specific web page is also accessible in a different language. This property is also known as the hreflang attribute. If your website is available in more than one language, this may be of use to you. Websites in Canada, for instance, are required to be available in both English and French according to provincial regulations. Websites written in French need to inform search engines that they are also available in English, and vice versa. This is necessary for both languages. The following is an illustration of the hreflang tag: 

A link with the rel=”alternate” attribute and the href=”” hreflang=”en-gb” /> 

More information on the correct application of hreflang may be found on the help website of Google. 

You should include the contact information for your firm on your website 

The proprietors of websites frequently omit to provide their entire firm name, address, email address, and phone number on their websites. It is possible that it will be displayed on the About or Contact page; nevertheless, it is preferred that it be included in the site’s bottom or sidebar. Not only should it be very easy for visitors to locate, but the NAP (Name, Address, and Phone) should also be marked up with markup. Your contact information will not be shown differently as a result of this markup; but search engines will be able to recognise your NAP data, which is far more essential. 

You must not undervalue the significance of the content you provide 

When it comes to your website, content is really crucial, and any information that is created for your website has to be written in the language that your site visitors comprehend. There is a “slang” that is specific to each nation and language, which refers to the way some words are written. Therefore, if you are translating a website from English to French, for instance, you need make sure that the translations are done by a native speaker of the language they are translating from. The translations that are created by machines are not going to cut it. They could be erroneous or even insulting when taken out of context, which might be detrimental to your company. 

Don’t forget to include the appropriate citations and links 

It is a common practice for search engines to use links and citations as significant components of their algorithms. As a result, it is essential to have connections to your website from other websites that are suitable for both your website and the nation in where you are located. 

When it comes to local search engine results, such as those found on Google Maps, a citation, which is a mention of your company’s Name, Address, and Phone Number (also known as NAP), is also a powerful signal and ranking element. 

It is ideal for such links and citations to originate from websites that use the same country code top-level domain (ccTLD) as yours or from websites that are based in the same nation. This suggests that the traffic patterns are normal and suitable. In general, foreign connections, which are links to websites located in other countries, do not appear to be particularly natural. Instead of looking for connections that are not natural or acceptable, Google is seeking for links that are natural and appropriate. 

Try to simplify things for search engines 

When it comes to establishing a new website with a ccTLD domain name, it is essential to provide the search engines with all of the signs and information they want to demonstrate that you are based in a certain nation. In such case, your website can be lost in a set of search results that are difficult to understand, or it might not even show up at all. 

It is possible to confuse search engines by not being consistent with all online search indications, such as tags, language declarations, content, and NAP data. This can result in undesirable and perhaps devastating outcomes for both your website and your company. 


If you want to avoid having regrets about your decision to register a domain name, you should make sure that you have given careful consideration to the aforementioned considerations before you go ahead and register a domain name. It is not as if you will be forced to make a decision, but it is preferable to be well educated rather than to be misled or less informed, isn’t that, right?   

We hope that you have grasped the meaning of this article. It would be much appreciated if you could share any questions or concerns with us in the comments box below.   




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What Is The Importance of Backing Up Your Data On a Dedicated Server?

Dedicated Server, Pengertian dan Manfaatnya

There are numerous responsibilities and duties that entail hosting a website, and backing up your data is one of those responsibilities! When a business owner or individual hosts a website on a dedicated hosting server, it is implied that the website has a huge database and content. 

The websites that are very resource-intensive and content-heavy websites, choose dedicated servers from their web hosting services for hosting their websites. The reason: the abundance of resources and effectiveness. However, backups are as important as it gets in the hosting world! 

Importance of Back Up of Your Dedicated Server Hosting

  • The biggest advantage of your data backup is that it is a hedge against data loss. Data loss is a recurring issue in the web hosting industry, and data backup is the answer to this problem. Data loss can happen due to cyber crimes like data theft, data breaches, hacking, erasing or even human error. Regular data backups can help you avoid the potential risk of loss since it enables quick recovery!
  • It is a wall of protection against hackers. If the hackers manage to get into your system and change your credentials to something else, they can make changes to the content on the website. With regular data backups, you can manage to restore the information, content and media as it was before the hacking attack! 
  • It enables simplified migration from one web host to another. The migration process involves transferring the files and folders from one server to another, and some data might get lost in the process. You can manually transfer your data backup to the new server, use technical tools to do it or have the web hosting provider do it. Hence, your dedicated server backup is highly efficient in such procedures. 
  • Other benefits of data backups shine through at the time of website updates. They resolve compatibility issues after updates and changes, can resolve malware infections and, above everything, it is a really healthy security practice when it comes to web hosting. 

Dedicated Server Backup Solutions

There are four major types of data backups available for dedicated server hosting plans: full backups, incremental backups, mirror backups, and differential backups. Let us learn about the dedicated backup server solutions provided by service providers!

  • Cloud Backup

Cloud backup is a way of data backup where you can save or duplicate the data on your website with the help of cloud computing. This can save your data from any kind of loss or theft due to human error or malicious activities online. Cloud backup is useful when you have limited data on your website or if you have a strong network. Although it is not a suitable type of backup for a dedicated server website, it surely is useful to save your data from unwanted attention and theft. 

  • cPanel Backup

cPanel is a web hosting software that allows access to the control panel of your web hosting server. If you install the cPanel software, you can enjoy a built-in provision for backing up your data. It is an extremely convenient way of duplicating the website data and content.

  • Acronis Cyber Backup

The most suitable kind of data backup solution for dedicated server websites is Acronis Cyber Backup. It is a highly scalable, efficient, and comprehensive solution for your data’s safety. It provides different locations on the server for your data to be saved. You can choose the location of storage as per your convenience and requirements. 

Wrapping Up

Understanding the importance of dedicated server backups is the key to getting to the strategy part of it. This means that in order to strategize your backups, you will have to understand why they are important. Using any of these three types of backup solutions, you can keep your data safe and secured within your server. Happy hosting!

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How Does VPS Hosting Work?

VPS Hosting is a versatile and high-performance Web Hosting solution for businesses and individuals to host their websites. It’s a highly reliable and secure option that works through virtualisation technology, creating Virtual Servers within a physical server.

Each virtual server operates independently with its own CPU, RAM, and storage, ensuring that one website’s performance won’t be affected by others on the same physical server. VPS Hosting in India is the best place to find such servers if you want to buy one.

The benefit of VPS Hosting provider India is its ability to allocate resources dynamically. Website owners have more control over their hosting environment, allowing them to customise settings and install software.

What is VPS Hosting?

Linux VPS hosting provides a Virtual Private Server optimised for the Linux operating system. It is like having your own virtual server exclusively tailored for hosting your website, and you can customise it as needed.

Each virtual server operates independently with dedicated resources, ensuring enhanced security and performance for your website and applications.

How VPS Hosting Works?

VPS hosting, short for Virtual Private Server hosting, operates by utilising virtualisation technology to create multiple virtual compartments within a physical server.

Steps What Do They Mean?
Virtualisation Layer The web hosting provider uses virtualisation software or hypervisor to create virtual partitions on the physical server. This virtualisation layer allows the server’s resources to be divided and allocated to each VPS.
Resource Allocation The physical server’s resources, such as CPU, RAM, storage, and bandwidth, are distributed among the VPSs.
Isolation and Independence Each VPS operates in its isolated environment, separated from other VPSs on the server. This isolation provides enhanced security and privacy, as the activities of one VPS have no impact on the others.
Customisation VPS hosting gives users root access to install, configure, and manage software applications and settings according to their needs.
Operating System VPS users can choose their preferred operating system (OS), such as Linux or Windows, for their virtual server.

Benefits of VPS Hosting

Benefits What Do They Do?
Reliable Offers excellent storage capacity and allocated bandwidth, avoiding lags caused by other websites’ traffic surges.
Secure Isolated from other environments, VPS hosting is protected by virtualisation, ensuring your site’s safety from other vulnerabilities.
Speed With allocated resources, the site performs efficiently without being affected by other shared server users.
Scalable VPS hosting plans offer options to accommodate your website’s growth.
Cost-effective Get more control and power without investing in a dedicated server, maximising your budget.
Control Benefit from SSH and root access for more control over your hosting environment.
Protection VPS plans include enhanced data protection and easy server backups.


VPS hosting is a powerful, flexible Web Hosting solution combining shared and dedicated hosting advantages. It divides a physical server into multiple virtual environments using virtualisation, giving users dedicated resources and complete control over their hosting settings.

VPS Server hosting suits various websites and users, from bloggers to eCommerce entrepreneurs. It allows you to optimise your website’s performance and customise your hosting environment according to your needs. 

When you get a VPS from a hosting provider in India, it’s like having your own dedicated server without the high costs. Additionally, VPS hosting can quickly scale, letting you adjust resources based on your website’s specific needs.

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What Is Business Email Hosting? A Beginner’s Guide

Emails are undoubtedly the best ways to connect with your customers and stakeholders. However, a free email service like Google or Yahoo is not sufficient for your large and complex business as it lacks customization and control. This is where email hosting services come into the picture.
So, just like choosing the best web hosting and domain services, the business must also invest in hosting emails.
For those who don’t know, email hosting offers various advantages to businesses, such as better control, more customization, increased flexibility, and so on. But how to get started with email hosting? That’s what we will discuss in this blog!
What is Email Hosting?
Email hosting is a service that allocates as well as maintains a dedicated server for sending, receiving, and storing your business emails. As compared to free email services, an email hosting service provides you with greater flexibility, control, and scope of customization over your emails.
Further, a professional email hosting service allows you to create a specific and personalized email domain like [email protected].
Benefits of Business Email Hosting Services?
Besides providing greater flexibility and control, there are many other benefits email hosting can bring to your business. Some of them are as follows:
Improves Brand Reputation: Having your company’s name in your email address makes your business look more professional. It can also help in improving your brand’s reputation and consistency.
Highly Scalable: Another benefit of email hosting is that it is highly scalable. It means your email server can grow along with your business operations. You can create more email accounts, add more users, increase storage capacity, and so on.
Ensures Higher Security: With professional email hosting, you don’t have to worry about potential security threats. The reason is that reputed email hosting providers offer advanced security features like encryption, spam filtering, etc., to prevent unauthorized email access.
Easy Integration with Other Tools: With the right email hosting NZ, you can integrate other useful tools into your email system for better management.
How to Choose the Best Email Hosting?
Three main things need to be considered at the time of choosing the best email hosting service. These are as follows:
High Security and Reliability: As a responsible business owner, you need to ensure the safety and security of your customer’s data, such as their names, addresses, contact details, and so on. Therefore, make sure that your shortlisted email hosting services have enough security features like data encryption, anti-spam, malware protection, etc.
Better Accessibility: Business operations often require accessing emails from different platforms. So, make sure your email hosting provider offers integration to solutions like IMAP, POP, and Webmail. These tools help in managing emails on multiple platforms.
Blacklist Free: Make sure that the email hosting provider you have selected does not have a reputation for getting clients on an email blacklist.
While there is no shortage of free email services, they might not be enough for your business requirements. Therefore, every business needs a reliable email hosting service that comes with specific features and functionalities.
We have discussed the significant benefits of professional NZ email hosting and tips on selecting the best email hosting provider to help you choose the best email hosting for your business.

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A Beginners Guide to Subdomains

A domain name is a unique identifier associated with a website’s address. Domain names are crucial in establishing a unique online identity. However, understanding subdomains and their potential benefits can significantly maximise your website’s reach.

If you’re making a new website and seeking clarity on subdomains and domain names in Singapore, this article can help you understand the concept better. 

If you want a website domain name in Singapore there are different domain name services to choose from. You can also get Cheap Domain Hosting services from a few Singapore domain service providers. 

Let’s learn more about subdomains for your Website Domains.

What are Subdomains?

Subdomains are parts of a domain name before the primary domain name and extension. For example, in the URL, “www” is the subdomain.

To understand subdomains in more depth, it’s essential to grasp the structure of a domain name. Here is more information about them.

  1. Protocol 

The “https,” section in the beginning of an URL is called the protocol. It stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. The domain name protocol provides server guidelines and instructs a browser on sending requests to a server.

  1. Domain name

In, the “” is the primary domain name. Domain Name Service consists of two main parts.

  1. TLD (Top-Level Domain) is the “.com” portion that indicates the website’s general category or purpose.
  2. SLD (Second-Level Domain) is the name registered with the domain registrar, in this case, “google.”
  3. Subdomain

A subdomain includes an additional name before the SLD. For instance, if the Vodien blog was hosted on, “blog” would be the subdomain.

What is a Subdomain Used for?

Subdomains have various applications like,

  1. Creating different language versions of a website (e.g.,
  2. Establishing a mobile version of a website (e.g.,
  3. Setting up a network of unrelated sites. For example, create your blog on a subdomain ( using the account.

How to Create a Subdomain

You must have a primary domain before setting up a subdomain.

To create a subdomain, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the subdomain’s name and add it as a record in your DNS (Domain Name System) settings.
  2. Set up a redirection to the server hosting your subdomain.
  3. While configuring DNS settings, you will notice that points to It makes “www” a subdomain as well.


It is crucial to have a good grasp of subdomains to unlock the full potential of your website. By harnessing the power of subdomains, you can significantly improve the experience for your visitors, organise your content more efficiently, and increase your visibility online. 

Furthermore, using subdomains effectively, you can quickly take your website to new heights and achieve your goals in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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7 Ideas to Build Your Marketing Portfolio (even if you have 0 experience!)

You wish to get a break as a marketer working with your favorite brand or learning from mentors you look upto. But whenever you approach someone for a project or a role, you get stuck when they ask for your portfolio. You don’t have one because you there’s no or little experience to show yet.

But unless you get a job or project, you won’t be able to build a portfolio. It looks like a gridlock. But the good news is, you don’t need a job at a fancy company or do projects with famous brands to build a portfolio that shows your skills.

In this post, we’ll explore 7 ideas on how to create a portfolio that makes people say ‘yes’ to you when you approach them as a marketer.

What is a Marketing Portfolio?

A marketing portfolio is a digital collection of your best work that can assure a potential employer of your capabilities. You can create a dedicated website demonstrating all your previous stints, or you can include the link to web pages of your work.

You can include ad copies, blogs, landing pages, designs, or social channels in your marketing portfolio as proof of work.

Here is Gill Andrews’s marketing portfolio as an example to get inspired. The portfolio is concise and clear, with no room for confusion. It offers a value-based service answering visitors’ what, why, and hows.

Why is it Important to Have a Marketing Portfolio?

To win your clients, you will have to give them a reason to trust you. That’s where a handy marketing portfolio becomes a goldmine. Investing in one will reap great benefits for you along your marketing career journey.

1. Rev Up Your Career

A well-designed marketing portfolio introduces you to the right opportunities. Potential clients can refer to your portfolio to get a glimpse of your working style and reach out to you quickly.

2. Promote Yourself

You can’t walk around with your happy customers promoting your work.

But that shouldn’t stop you from publicizing your success. Client testimonials can fit perfectly in your portfolio to build trust among the audience. You can even leverage social media to boost the reach of your portfolio.

3. Showcase Your Skills

Portfolios are the simplest way to tell your target market about what you have to offer.

What makes it even better is that it’s a visual representation of your skills, making it easy to glance at and digest.

4. Build Your Brand

Tired of chasing clients?

If you want more prominent clients with better returns, creating your brand is the way to go. Once your work has credibility and people can trust you for their work, then high-value clients will reach out to you proactively.

How to Build a Marketing Portfolio (Without prior experience)?

Now comes the million-dollar question of how to build a marketing portfolio, especially if you are just starting out and might not have any sample work to add.

1. Choose an Online Platform

Not just what but how you choose to share the information plays a huge role in getting the right attention.

That’s why before anything else, choose the right platform to engage your audience.

You can build a website through online tools like WordPress or Wix and buy a domain to get started. The biggest advantage of such platforms is that you get ready-made templates, saving time and effort. Whereas a custom domain name makes your portfolio look more professional and polished.

2. Determine a Layout

Your website visitor will take only 10-20 seconds to decide whether they want to stay or leave. It can be too much pressure to catch and hold their attention.

But if you know what you are doing, it’s easy to get past this problem.

Start with decluttering your website. Too much information, too soon, can confuse the audience and make them walk away. Instead, use a simple layout that relays the necessary details without overwhelming them.

Here are some must-haves on your website.

  • A name and professional headshot for instant introduction
  • A short biography that tells the reader more about you and your motivations
  • A business or personal statement to signify what services you offer and how you can help the visitor

  • Some sample work– blogs, copywriting, landing pages
  • Client reviews or awards to induce trust
  • Your contact details with a CTA to close the deal

3. Leverage Pet Projects

If you can follow the structure mentioned above, it’s great. If not, don’t worry. We have got you covered.

It’s not necessary to have impressive client reviews or awards to bag the clients. The main thing is to get your work out in public, irrespective of for whom you have done it.

So, you can fill the gap with your personal projects too. It could be an SEO-optimized blog you are running or a social media channel you started from scratch.

Include the links to those on your website for people to see your skills. Ensure that the blogs are related to your niche or skills. For example– if you specialize in email marketing, write more about it to come across as a subject matter expert.

Also, work with social media channels that are popular and relevant in today’s digital era.

4. Browse Through College Assignments

Even the college assignments which most students dread can be used to add substance to your portfolio.

If you have worked on some exciting projects during your college time, polish them up and include them on your website.

The assignment doesn’t even have to be elaborate. Even small but meaningful work will be just fine. And you can always switch these with better projects you will get along the way.

5. Volunteer For Free Services

It’s understandable if you don’t have any project or assignment to show on the website in the beginning.

You can start by offering free services to clients as a limited-time deal to get the initial momentum. Reaching out to your local non-profit organizations is also a big opportunity to build your customer base.

You can ask these clients for their reviews or referrals instead of money.

If working for free seems like a stretch to you, charge a nominal fee for your services.

Remember that it’s just a temporary tactic to gain clients and credibility. After getting a few projects, you can start with the full charges.

6. Get Your Skills Certified

You can get certifications from verified institutes to assure people that you know what you are doing.

Choose a skill that can be translated to a paying service and enroll yourself in that suitable course. For example- video marketing is a booming skill businesses demand growing on social channels.

You can add the certificate to your portfolio to convey authenticity and trust.

7. Engage With Your Existing Audience

Word-of-mouth is hands down still the best form of marketing.

But you need to do something to convince your audience to root for you.

Instead of hard-selling, shift gears and work your way smoothly into the client’s inner circle.

Build a mailing list and engage with your audience through relevant content. You can do so by sending weekly newsletters. Keep a share option in your emails to grow your contact base.

Reaching out to them on direct messaging platforms like WhatsApp is also an effective way to keep yourself fresh in the client’s mind.

Also, provide a subscribe button on your website and interact with your subscribers through appealing transactional emails.

Treat Your Portfolio Like Business Card

Building a portfolio worth a client’s time can seem like a huge challenge. Fairly so.

But it’s nothing you can’t beat with the correct information and tools. Even if you don’t have too much to add to your portfolio, you can still hold your audience with your presentation. To impress the employer, you can combine your resume and portfolio with a cover letter, written keeping the particular client in mind.

Adopt a conversational marketing style to connect with the audience and make them feel at ease. Research the cost-effective or free tools to boost your marketing efforts.

And most importantly, remember that you won’t get your hands full of opportunities overnight. It will happen eventually, but before that, you must keep learning and unlearning to enhance your services.

Stay consistent with your efforts and keep updating your portfolio with the latest information.

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Marketing models that have stood the test of time [Free guide]

What do you think is the best, i.e. most useful marketing model? Download our free RACE Growth System guide and learn the skills and techniques you need to boost your marketing strategy

You may have noticed we’re fans of using practical models as tools to support marketing strategy development. We believe a clear, simple model gives us a framework to assess how we’re doing things now compared to our competitors and plan growth strategies for the future. They’re also great for communicating the purpose and reason behind a strategy you are pursuing.

But there’s a problem – over the years, the number of marketing frameworks available has increased. Some are academic, based only on theory but have no “real world” credentials. Whereas others have been developed with no consideration of universal marketing strategy and planning fundamentals.

So many marketing models have been developed over the years that it can be overwhelming to know what to use and when. That’s where our RACE Growth System comes in.

Our RACE Growth System is our easy-to-use, easy-to-follow, strategic marketing framework that’s been proven to get results. Our practical, data-driven, marketing framework empowers marketers and business owners to use customer insights and analysis to prioritize marketing strategies for rapid growth.

Create your 90-day plan with the RACE Growth System

Download your free RACE Growth System guide today and unlock our three-step plan of Opportunity, Strategy and Action to grow your business.

Download guide

Which are the most popular marketing models?

Since I’m a digital marketer, I have my own views on the relevance of these, indeed in my books, I have often included them. In fact, most are included in my Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice book.

Our top 12 marketing models

  1. The RACE Framework
  2. 7 Ps of Marketing
  3. USP
  4. BCG Matrix
  5. Brand Positioning Map
  6. Customer Lifetime Value
  7. Growth Strategy Matrix
  8. Loyalty Ladder
  10. Porter’s 5 Forces
  11. Segmentation Targeting Positioning
  12. SOSTAC

1. The RACE Framework

Our RACE Framework is a popular marketing structure framework for Startups, SMEs, and international corporations, since it can scale up or down according to your short-term and long-term objectives.

Marketers love using RACE to structure their marketing strategies, since the framework guides marketers through each stage of planning, reaching, acting, converting, and engaging.

Smart Insights Free Members can also download an editable version of our popular RACE Growth System, a simple structure to put your plans into place using our Opportunity > Strategy > Action model to identify marketing activities for growth at each stage of the funnel.

Race Planning Framework

2. 7 Ps of Marketing

The 7P’s of the Marketing mix model are Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process, and Physical evidence – these elements of the marketing mix form the core tactical components of a marketing plan.

I think it’s right this is at the start of the list since it’s still widely used and I think is a simple way to think through how a company markets its products. A good model to explain marketing strategy to someone who isn’t a marketer. But it suffers from a push mentality completely out-of-keeping with modern digital marketing approaches of listening to and engaging customers, such as through social media marketing.

3. USP

Unique Selling Proposition is the concept that brands should make it clear to potential buyers why they are different and better than the competition.

This is a simple concept and an essential message to communicate online since the core brand message often isn’t clear. Digital websites need to define their digital value proposition well.

4. Boston Consulting Group Matrix

This well-known, essential MBA model categorizes products offered by a business in a portfolio based on their performance rating them as Stars, Cash Cows, Dogs, and Question Marks as below.


  • 1. Dogs: These are products with low growth or market share.
  • 2. Question marks or Problem Child: Products in high growth markets with low market share.
  • 3. Stars: Products in high-growth markets with high market share.
  • 4. Cash cows: Products in low growth markets with high market share

I find this isn’t so applicable in the online marketing world for small and medium businesses – it’s more of a Big Business corporate strategy model.

See Annmarie’s post on the BCG Matrix model for more details.

5. Brand positioning map

This model allows marketers to visualize a brand’s relative position to competitors in the marketplace by plotting consumer perceptions of the brand and competitor brands against the attributes that drive purchase.

This is a great concept for understanding how customers see a brand. I can’t recall many descriptions of this being applied online. I have seen it used as part of user-testing though in comparing different websites?

The creation of an engaging online brand is so important to success in digital marketing, that’s why we created our brand positioning template for Business Members.

positioning map

6. Customer Lifetime Value marketing models

Customer Lifetime Value is the concept used to assess what a customer is worth, based on the present value of future revenue attributed to a customer’s relationship with a product.

A different class of models to others, this is more of calculation model – covered in Chapter 6 of my Internet Marketing Book. CLV is mainly important online for transactional sites and certainly investment decisions like allowable cost per acquisition (CPA) must be taken with future customer purchases and attrition rates considered.

7. Growth strategy matrix

The Ansoff model is a matrix that can be used to identify alternative growth strategies by looking at present and potential products in current and future markets. The four growth strategies are market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification.

Ansoff matrix model applied to digital marketing

Ansoff’s model dates back to the 1960s, but I still cover it in the books to show how companies should “think out of the box” with new opportunities for their digital strategies by considering new opportunities for market and product development rather than simply market penetration which misses the opportunities of digital marketing for me.

8. Loyalty ladder marketing models

Loyalty models show the steps a person takes before becoming loyal to a brand as they move through the stages of prospect, customer, client, supporter, and advocate. There are a number of different loyalty models, taking slightly different forms, but the key element of loyalty ladders is the demonstration of the value of engaging and retaining current customers.

Loyalty models are useful as a way of thinking through the opportunities to generate lifetime value.

Loyalty ladders are due credit for their focus on the customer journey before and after their first purchase. Our customer lifecycle model charts the customer experience across each stage of RACE: Reach > Act > Convert > Engage.

As you can see, engagement activity helps move lapsed customers back through the cycle to repeat purchases.

Lifecycle Diagram - Paid earned Owned media

If you’re looking to perfect your customers’ experiences of your brand, our RACE Growth System has a step-by-step checklist to help you plan, manage, and optimize the right marketing activities to engage, convert and reach new customers.

Through RACE, you’ll set goals, prioritize strategies, and optimize the marketing models and techniques you need to achieve growth. Download your free guide today and start seeing results in less than 90 days.

Create your 90-day plan with the RACE Growth System

Download your free RACE Growth System guide today and unlock our three-step plan of Opportunity, Strategy and Action to grow your business.

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As an extension of the traditional PEST model, this analysis framework is used to assess the impact of macro-environmental factors on a product or brand – political, economical, social, technological, legal, and economic.

TBH PESTLE/PEST/DEEPLIST make me groan – to me they’re a text book approach which is far removed from improving results. I find students tend to review these in-depth at the expense of creating innovative strategies.

However, PESTLE is still widely taught and Annmarie Hanlon is a fan so to explain it’s value to me and others she has this in-depth post on how to use the PEST or PESTLE model.

10. Porter’s Five Forces

The Five forces in Porter’s model are Rivalry, Supplier power, Threat of substitutes, Buyer power, and Barriers to entry and are used to analyze the industry context in which the organization operates.

Yes this one features in my books and I reference a classic 2001 paper by Porter on applying the Five Forces to the Internet. But, I personally think it has limited practical value – yes we know customers have more bargaining power online. So what?! I also think it under-represents the power of intermediaries like comparison sites and publishers in the online world.

11. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

This three-stage STP process involves analyzing which distinct customer groups exist and which segment the product best suits before implementing the communications strategy tailored for the chosen target group.

Segmentation Targeting Positioning STP model

As a model which is focused on delivering relevant products, services and communications to the customer and so generating value for an organisation, this is essential for every marketer to understand and apply in practice.

12. PR Smith’s SOSTAC® model

This acronym stands for Situation, Objectives, Strategy, Tactics, Actions, Control and is a framework used when creating marketing plans.

I’m a big fan of using PR Smith’s SOSTAC® model as a way of planning and implementing strategies. It features in all my books and I know Paul Smith, who created it well – he’s my co-author on Emarketing Excellence.

Marketing models and references

Our RACE Growth System was created by Dr. Dave Chaffey and Stuart Miller the co-founders of Smart Insights.

This brand-new resource responds to the real marketing challenges our members are facing today, and provides Free Members with tools and advice to rapidly create a 90-day marketing plan. Anybody can join Smart Insights as a Free Member, you’ll get access to the RACE Growth System plus other recommended free guides and templates to upskill your marketing.

Create your 90-day plan with the RACE Growth System

Download your free RACE Growth System guide today and unlock our three-step plan of Opportunity, Strategy and Action to grow your business.

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PR Smith (2011) The SOSTAC ®  Guide – to writing the perfect plan  by PR Smith (2011),  published by and available at Amazon.

PR Smith (2020) SOSTAC® Guide to your Perfect Digital Marketing Plan, Amazon.

Finally, I wanted to thank the Chartered Institute of Marketing who prompted the idea for this post when they were celebrating their centenary and they ran voting around different models.  It also prompted the idea for a free guide to help explain the value of models for planning.

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How To Develop Buyer Personas: A Crash Course

I often say knowing your customers well is a marketer’s superpower. To articulate how well you know your customer requires the development of buyer personas, which take a deep dive into the interests and traits of your target audience. To get started, identify whom you will market to.

Buyer personas touch on everything you do, from optimizing the functionality of your website to creating a product design to developing creative concepts, appropriately casting your ads, and anything in between – well-written personas will guide you through it all.

If you’re curious about how to create them, look no further. I’ll cover the ins and outs of what they are, as well as some tips and tricks for developing them in a DIY format.

Buyer personas are the foundation of all things marketing

Let’s start from the top. Buyer personas guide marketing campaigns, messaging development, and content creation. Building personas is a typical part of the web or user experience (UX) customer journey design in the digital world. Many teams utilize buyer personas. Therefore, many elements should be included.

I’ve discovered that a persona is also essential for content planning, especially global content planning. Content is never one-size-fits-all, so you need to be able to predict what will interest the buyers you’re hoping to attract.

Marketers, copywriters, designers, and even media planners need to have a solid handle on the purpose of what they’re building and, thus, must possess a strong understanding of the target customers it will attract and serve. This is where personas come in especially handy.

What I’ve noticed working with different clients is that a typical buyer persona won’t be able to serve every team’s needs. So, I often encourage my clients to take buyer personas that corporate has created and add additional layers of details as they see fit per the marketing function they work on.

Here is a great example: copywriters often ponder which words they should choose to resonate with their target audience.

The word “awesome” is more consumer-centric, yet a similar word, such as “superior,” is more appropriate for business professionals. Copywriters and web designers can take the high-level buyer persona and incorporate more details through AB testing to help agencies and freelancers to design creative concepts and write customer-centric copy.

A well-developed persona provides insight and direction for wording, images, content, tone, and design. For example, what matters to a Gen Z male living in an urban environment will likely differ immensely from a female Baby Boomer living in a rural area.

It’s vital to consider these differences, even if they are nuanced, to zero in on potential buyers’ specific wants and needs. Then, you can name your personas to reflect their traits and give them a bit more of a personal touch and three-dimensional feel.

There are plenty of templates you can find online. Here is my one-pager template.

Is it possible to create a global persona? The answer is yes, but it requires some work

Depending on your industry (be it manufacturing, healthcare, skincare, banking, or anything in between) and products (homogenous or highly localized across regions), it may require the development of several personas to satisfy different geographies’ needs based on audience segmentation.

The general rule of thumb: less persona is more.

To create a global persona, focus on commonalities in your audiences across regions

It’s common to include demographics such as age group, gender, and other factors, but things become even more nuanced when examining similar demographics around the globe.

For example, a cishet male 20-year-old living in Beijing may not listen to the same music as a cishet male 20-year-old who lives in Munich. However, their love of music and the constant use of a headset are common threads.

Another example is that IT managers in Brazil and Russia may have different network infrastructures but are likely equally concerned about security threats.

Zoom in on common challenges, pain points, needs, and desires that people share and pair that with the products and services you offer. Then, you can find your throughline to connect the dots.

Again, you may need to create several personas to serve different regions, so be very rigorous about it. Communicate with your geography or country managers to determine if it’s necessary to develop geography or country-specific buyer personas.

Do I need to market to every persona we created?

The answer is NO. Many of my clients have 15-25 personas, but their marketing divisions have finite resources and budgets. Therefore, there is no way that they can market to all personas in all countries and be effective.

You need to prioritize!

The way to prioritize is based on projected revenue by region, future growth, and even on-the-ground marketing headcount. First, you must determine how you will allocate your budget by personas and regions. In a corporate setting, this usually plays out during extensive discussions between sales, corporate marketing, and marketing; sometimes, product teams are involved as well.

To scale content across regions, it’s crucial to have a global persona to rally headquarters and geographic teams; that way, they have a baseline understanding of how to target their ideal customers. I often find that if headquarters and geographies can’t agree on the target audience, it’s almost impossible to move on to the next level of planning and execution.

Large enterprises have dedicated marketing research departments that work closely with research agencies to conduct quantitative and qualitative research from multiple countries to create one or several global personas. However, small and medium companies don’t typically have a budget to create a formal global persona. That’s OK. Suppose no one in your marketing organization owns the persona creation or discussion. In that case, you can start one yourself by talking to your sales representatives and conducting phone interviews with customers in multiple countries.

Create an informal slide or document with your findings to include:

  • Demographics
  • Behavioral attributes
  • Target audience budget range
  • Preferred devices
  • Peers and influencers
  • Communications preferences
  • Content format preferences
  • Job description
  • Keyword search on pain points

It seems like a lot, but don’t stress out; you don’t necessarily need to incorporate all the above criteria. Instead, tailor your areas of investigation as you see fit, but make sure you conduct a thorough analysis for the best results.

For global content planning, at a minimal level it’s essential to dive into these four areas:

  • Job description
  • Pain points, challenges, needs, and desires
  • Communications preferences
  • Content format preferences

Essentially, what you need to know about your audience is: what are their challenges, needs, and desires, as well as where they go to find content.

Flesh out the persona as much as possible and share it with key stakeholders. It’s OK to create an informal persona and validate that with key relevant stakeholders. This persona will serve as your basis for content planning and agency briefings.

A persona is a living, breathing document. The way your persona prefers and consumes content will change over time. Think about how people consumed content before smartphones and how much the landscape has changed. Device usage and technology play important roles that should be reflected in your persona description. Ultimately, that insight will help build your content planning and creation, especially mobile phone consumption content. You need to be cognizant of formats, images, font sizes, and lengths when it comes to optimal formatting on devices.

Please bear in mind that a persona is a compass, not a panacea:

  • It’s a tool to help you and your team understand your audience
  • It will help guide editorial and content planning
  • It’s a living document that will change and evolve over time
  • It can be created formally or informally and can be top-down or bottom-up driven

A good persona provides insights into your audience’s attitudes, purchasing behavior, thought processes, challenges, and desires. In addition, it gives you guidance on what content to create and where to syndicate it.

Do you already have a persona for your content or marketing effort? If so, do they have a name(s)? I always get a kick out of hearing what people choose to call their personas, so don’t hesitate to share. And if I can help clarify any of the points above, please reach out; I’m happy to answer your questions.

Confused About ICP and Buyer Persona? Here’s A Crash Course

The Myth of the Empowered Buyer

It’s Time To Crush Your Marketing Campaign Plan

How to Create Scalable Global Content Marketing Strategy: A Guide for B2B Marketers (+ Templates)

Two Ways to Get a Clear Vision Statement From Your Management


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